Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!

Well, It is New Year's Eve, and I am catching up on blog reading and doing some crafting.. This week I have accomplished a goal of mine.. Learning the granny square!! I can knit, but I have always struggled with learning to crochet, but in the days after Christmas, I decided to buckle down and just learn the craft!! I have always wanted an old fashioned granny square afghan and now I am on my way to making one!! So far I made a few squares, and sewed three together to make a cozy for my ball jar that holds my pens in the kitchen.. I had to see something actually completed. :)
I have a way to go to perfect it, but I figure that what better way to practice, than to make enough squares for a blanket!! Last night I was browsing blogs for hours that have a lot of crochet posts and tutorials. I found one I thought I'd share, Attic 24 She has WONDERFUL pictures and a lot of inspiration!! Here is a sneak at what she has.. when you get a few HOURS stop by and drool for a while!!

1 comment:

Dena Pickle said...

Awesome, I'm hoping my sister in law can teach me. I bought a book but didn't have much luck teaching myself.
I would love to make all of the colorful things in your post!