Thursday, April 16, 2009

Farm Chicks Giveaway!!!

If you haven't been on the Farm Chicks Blog, or seen their AWESOME new cookbook... head on over to their blog and check it out!! They are hosting a wonderful spring giveaway from Pixie Dust Decor. Stop by and check it out!!!


Stacy said...

thank you so much for posting. I'm glad you like the boys toys. Good luck!

JM - The Princess said...

Thanks for the give-away tip!

Just to let you know that I tagged you over at my blog for a "Post Game" so if you are interested stop by -

Brenda Pruitt said...

What charming gals they are!

Anne Marie said...

Serena is super sweet isn't she?

Her outlook on life extends to her wares-

nice to "meet" you.